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Welcome to

EMC Healing


Using vibrational therapy to balance bodies one layer at a time

Specializing in

The Emotion Code
The Body Code
The Belief Code

EN - L3 Belief Code Badge - D2023.png
EN - L2 Body Code Badge - D2023.png
 Young Woman Contemplating

Do You Ever Feel... Stuck?

You probably need an energy detox!

-Do you ruminate about old or new relationships, job stress, health issues, or something else you just can't let go?


-Can you think of a past experience and mentally relive it like it is happening right now, with the same sweaty palms, upset stomach, and a racing heart as before?


  - Have you been to the doctor for a weird feeling in your body but all your tests came back normal and was told nothing is wrong?

These are examples of 
energy distortions, 
also known
trapped emotions!

This emotional baggage creates uncomfortable physical sensations that can be released using vibrational therapy.

The Emotion Code, The Body Code, and The Belief Code can help you find inner peace and connect you back to your body, 

so you can live purposefully today!

Stressed Man
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